Custom Metrics Chart Page

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The Custom Metrics Chart page allows you to create custom charts showing the time-series data for an available metric or combination of metrics. To view this page, select a cluster from the Clusters page, and click Metrics in the Monitoring section of the left side navigation. Navigate to the Custom tab.


This feature is in preview and subject to change. To share feedback and/or issues, contact Support.

Use the Custom Metrics Chart page

Custom Metrics Chart

On the Custom Metrics Chart page, you can set the time range for all charts, add new custom charts, and edit or remove existing charts:

  • To set the time range for the page, use the time interval selector at the top right of the page to filter the view for a predefined or custom time interval. Use the navigation buttons to move to the previous, next, or current time interval. When you select a time interval, the same interval is selected for all charts on all tabs of the Metrics page.
  • To add a chart, click Create to create the first custom chart or Add Chart to create subsequent custom charts. The Create custom chart dialog is displayed.
  • To edit a chart, click the pencil icon to display the Edit custom chart dialog.
  • To delete a chart, click the trash icon.

Create custom chart dialog

In the Create custom chart dialog, you can customize each chart.

Create Custom Chart

  • Under Select metrics, add the metrics to be queried, and how they'll be combined and displayed. Options include:
    Column Description

    How the system refers to this metric, for example, jobs.row_level_ttl.rows_deleted.

    Note: available metric options are filtered by Units selected.


    Used to combine data points.


    • Sum: Returns the sum of all values seen.
    • Max: Returns the highest value seen.
    • Min: Returns the lowest value seen.
    • Avg: Returns the average value over the time period.


    Determines how to display the rate of change during the selected time period.


    • Normal: Returns the actual recorded value.


    Sets the units to display.


    • Bytes
    • Count
    • Duration
    • Percentage
    • USD

    Units can be selected in two ways:

    1. Manually select a unit option.
    2. When the first metric has been added - if no unit has been selected yet - the metric's unit will automatically be selected.

    Once a unit is selected, the available Metric options will be filtered to metrics with that unit type. For example, if the Bytes unit is selected, only metrics that are measured in Bytes will be available as Metric options.

    Note: Changing the unit will clear the selected metrics.

  • To reset the dialog to a blank state - no metrics, aggregators or units set, click Clear all metrics.
  • Under Provide a chart name, enter title text or keep default title with names of selected metrics.
  • The Preview shows data, if available, for the selected metrics in the time range set by the Metrics page's time interval selector.
  • Once the chart is verified in the Preview, click Submit to add the new custom chart or click Close to return to the existing Custom Metrics Chart page.

Available metrics

The following is a list of available metrics for use in the Custom Metrics Chart page.


Name Description
changefeed.running Number of currently running changefeeds, including sinkless
changefeed.failures Total number of changefeed jobs which have failed
changefeed.error_retries Total retryable errors encountered by all changefeeds
changefeed.emitted_messages Messages emitted by all feeds
changefeed.emitted_bytes Bytes emitted by all feeds
changefeed.commit_latency Event commit latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was acknowledged by the downstream sink. If the sink batches events, then the difference between the earliest event in the batch and acknowledgement is recorded; Excludes latency during backfill
jobs.changefeed.currently_paused Number of changefeed jobs currently considered Paused
jobs.changefeed.protected_age_sec The age of the oldest PTS record protected by changefeed jobs.

Row-Level TTL

Name Description
jobs.row_level_ttl.resume_completed Number of row_level_ttl jobs which successfully resumed to completion
jobs.row_level_ttl.resume_failed Number of row_level_ttl jobs which failed with a non-retryable error
jobs_row_level_ttl.rows_selected Number of rows selected for deletion by the row level TTL job.
jobs.row_level_ttl.rows_deleted Number of rows deleted by the row level TTL job.
jobs.row_level_ttl.currently_paused Number of row_level_ttl jobs currently considered Paused
jobs.row_level_ttl.currently_running Number of row_level_ttl jobs currently running
schedules.scheduled-row-level-ttl-executor.failed Number of scheduled-row-level-ttl-executor jobs failed

Table Statistics

Name Description
jobs.auto_create_stats.resume_failed Number of auto_create_stats jobs which failed with a non-retryable error
jobs.auto_create_stats.currently_running Number of auto_create_stats jobs currently running
jobs.auto_create_stats.currently_paused Number of auto_create_stats jobs currently considered Paused
jobs.create_stats.currently_running Number of create_stats jobs currently running

See also

Yes No
On this page

Yes No